Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Professional Reading Reflection-Final Thoughts

Holding on to the Good Ideas In A Time of Bad Ones Six Literacy Practices Worth Fighting For by Thomas Newkirk persuades educators that despite setbacks that lead teachers and educators to doubt their profession because of strict accountability or “the watch-dog” effect of society there is truly a silver-lining at the end of the tunnel. That silver lining is that true educators persevere to teach their students to go beyond their potential even though there is a continuous push for standardized testing that dictate teachers instructional domain and evaluative measures of performance on students as well as teachers. What I took away from my professional reading by Thomas Newkirk is that no matter what: there are always components of effective instructional practices and teaching that must continue to occur in the classroom regardless of what is being “hammered” down the pipe-line. Those “good ideas” nurture and mentors a well-rounded student which in turn molds an educated student to assimilate into the workforce or a productive member of society.
According to Newkirk (2009) six literacy principles worth fighting for as we teach in the 21st century are the following principles: Balance the Basics—Between Reading and Writing, Expressive Writing, Popular Culture as a Literacy Tool, Literacy and Pleasure, Uncluttering the Curriculum, and Finding a Language for Difficulty. In Balance the Basics—Between Reading and Writing as cited in Newkirk, according to Graves (1978), “We need to right the balance between sending and receiving. We need to let them write” (48). The balance between Reading and Writing has shifted because of societal needs in technology whereby students are naturally assimilating skills in writing within their era of technology through texting, social networks, web creating, blogging, e-mailing, digital storytelling, and more.  As teachers, we need to accept that students need to write not only for standardized test, but more importantly for the entertainment aspect of creativity, expressing and clarifying their ideas and opinions. Students of the 21st century are creators and producers; the call for a balance in Reading and Writing in the classroom is essential.

Newkirk and Graves advocates that Reading and Writing go hand-in-hand—it’s practically impossible to do one without the other. You need to write to read and read to write. In my classroom, reading and writing are inter-dependent like that of a symbiotic relationship. My students clearly understand that when they write they will read and share what they write. This allows them to appreciate different perspectives and hear each others' voices whether they are writing narratives, creative stories, poetry, argumentative writing, explanatory, or descriptive writing. They are cognizant that reading and writing is an evolving process of expressing thoughts, creating ideas into concrete visuals, and a discussion forum of communication.

The overall theme of Holding on to Good Ideas in a Time of Bad Ones is that writing can no longer be in the shadows instead it is must be that beacon that parallels with Reading. Several sectional points stood-out in Newkirk’s validation of the importance of writing and discussion of what could be written during or after reading and shared: Using Habits of the Mind four main points are used as discussion points (as cited in Newkirk, 142): 

1.       The habit of observation—what do you notice? This is the capacity to slow down, pay attention, notice the unusual details, fact, or statistic—one that is not evident at first glance.
2.       The habit of generalization—a key question is “What do you make of this?” What inferences, judgments, evaluations, conclusions, and theses do you arrive at? It is to think in patterns, to make connections.
3.       The habit of evidence—what is the basis of your generalizations?  And what makes you think this evidence is solid, when there is so much suspicious information available.
4.       The habit of considering alternatives—how could it be otherwise?  What credible positions might differ from yours? What are the “rivals” to your own position?
For me as a teacher, I would find these stem questions as an effective way to get students to think with a purpose while they are writing. It forces students to think at a higher level in order to express their thoughts. Overall, as a teacher, I believe that like everything else teachers as a whole and students must “buy-into” the importance of writing. Only then will we see change occur as a whole collective effort that fosters writers in all content areas and outside the walls of the classroom. Newkirk, (2009) emphasizes his message to educators in the Principles of Learning: 

1.       Demonstration and modeling—students need access to texts and writers who can demonstrate the craft of writing, particularly the skills they are trying to learn.
2.       Practice—students need to engage in a VOLUME of writing, not all of it under the careful scrutiny of teachers.
3.       Feedback—students need timely and precise feedback on their writing.
a.       Provide opportunities for “students to read their work, to develop engaging writing projects” (145).
b.      Create a network of readers beyond the teacher who can comment on student work—can include other students in class, tutors in a writing center, and “keeper” (parents, relatives, community members) who write letters of response to student portfolios (146).
4.       Instruction—students need to learn some of the formalized principles of effective writing (what the ancients called the “art” of writing) (144).
This book is definitely one that deserves a finer and closer re-read because it has a wealth of information that makes practical and reasonable sense. As an educator, I would recommend this book to a colleague who is torn between the importance of Reading and Writing. My rating of this professional book receives a 5-star for down to earth advice that can be implemented, well-written information and sources, and easy to understand and relate as an educator.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Expressive Writing

"Expecting the Unexpected," according to Murray, "Regular habits is crucial--he viewed writing as work like any other work; however, there was some magic--something unexplainable--about what happened when your butt was in the chair" (Newkirk, 77).  As young writers, the best advice is to just have them write, and to mirror authors they enjoy reading. When students write, they need to understand that  writing is an "evolving text." Murray advocates, "Writing is a form of play and pleasure" (80). Writing opens streams of thoughts that is destined to be revealed and heard. As teachers, our goal is to guide students to read authors that will inspire them to write by expanding on their ideas or style of writing.

Good Reader and Writing

Skilled readers use what they read as a “mentor-text” for writing styles. Students who read naturally mimic their favorite author’s style of writing. They incorporate the author’s word choice, voice, connections as part of their writing.

Keeping a special notebook or even sticky notes handy is an excellent way to record your thoughts especially while reading. Reading opens the door that allows for better writing style, vocabulary development, fluency, and better understanding that writing does provide opportunities of expansion of expressing thoughts and writing.

Popular Culture as a Literacy Tool

Inspires students to draw on characters, infinitely expandable, reenactments, pleasure of play, improvisation, sound effects, joint planning with peers, social, active, and sets no limits to students imagination. "One clear feature of media driven writing is the central importance of giving good names to characters" (99). Using popular culture as a means to have students write is an effective manner to get student actively engaged in their interest. Popular culture could be a simple as using  comic books, movie clips that lead to a relative theme, the Sunday funnies, video games, etc. Motivating students to write what they read through spring-boarding of popular culture is another viable source of getting students to passionately write with expressiveness. Using what students enjoy as entertaining is a key that can be used as a teachable moment. It is part of their social conversation because students converse about what they are watching, listening, or  playing, so why not capitalize on that media. As a teacher, one can easily draw students attention especially when you begin to use characters, lyrics, or strategic levels of their video gaming into the instructional frame of mind. Students become impressed because now you have their interest.

For many years, authors have used Popular Culture to hook their audience into their passion of writing. Stephen King and Deen Koontz are great examples of authors who highly encourage writers to write, write, write, and write what interest you. These two authors share their views and tips on writing on the playlist provided in my blog.

Stephen King's View on Writing & Reading

Deen Koontz's View on Writing & Reading

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Literacy and Pleasure"

"Reading as the Inner Theatre" is what independent, committed readers treasure: the isolation of reading uninterrupted because by doing so readers become deeply involved with the book when given the time to read. Good readers discover that "the book is always better than the movie" (Newkirk, 114). Dependent readers on the other hand, prefer not to be isolated when reading instead they set themselves up with i-pods, ear-buds, or TV. Sadly, young adolescence miss-out on the true process of reading a good book without any multi-task interruptions of background noise. 
Why Children Struggle in Reading:

According to Allington (2012), “There exist potent relationship between volume of reading and reading achievement,” (53) and Guthrie (2004,) “dramatic increases in reading volume are critically important in developing thoughtful literacy” (cited in Allington, 53-54). As a teacher, I inherently believe now more so than ever that students need more time to read. In doing so, they will gradually develop the stamina to read more complex text, longer text, or for that matter text that they consider test boring text. The consistent practice of reading in volume--meaning a set time in the classroom provides for greater exposure to text, vocabulary development, and comprehension of text using various strategies to record thoughts, sharing of thoughts on what was read, and choice in selection if the opportunity arises. “More effective teachers simple had students reading” (55) more in their classroom—giving the time to read. In my classroom, I make it a point to incorporate reading and writing in several ways: Literature Circle through rotations, anchor book reading, excerpts of text, reader’s theater, read alouds, sharing creative stories, journal entry sharing, and independent reading of their own library or choice books.

Monday, March 25, 2013

"Popular Culture as a Literacy Tool" by Thomas Newkirk

Inspires students to draw on characters, infinitely expandable, reenactments, pleasure of play, improvisation, sound effects, joint planning with peers, social, active, and sets no limits to students imagination. "One clear feature of media driven writing is the central importance of giving good names to characters" (99). Motivating students to write what they read through spring-boarding of popular culture is another means of getting students to passionately write with expressiveness.

"Expressive Writing" by Thomas Newkirk

"Expecting the Unexpected," according to Murray, "Regular habits is crucial--he viewed writing as work like any other work; however, there was some magic--something unexplainable--about what happened when your butt was in the chair" (Newkirk, 77).  As young writers, the best advice is to just have them write, and to mirror authors they enjoy reading. When students write, they need to understand that  writing is an "evolving text." Murray advocates, "Writing is a form of play and pleasure" (80). Writing opens streams of thoughts that is destined to be revealed and heard. As teachers, our goal is to guide students to read authors that will inspire them to write by expanding on their ideas or style of writing.

"The Curse of Graphite" by Thomas Newkirk

"The Curse of Graphite" demonstrates how educational reforms has taken the forefront on placing tremendous accountability on teachers, the educational system, and students. As an educator, my philosophy has always been that what genuinely matters is the quality of what is being taught, the how, the time spent to really teach students, the absorption of what was learned through thinking, records of thoughts, meaningful connections, and treating students like people without rushing through the content process. Clearly, it is understandable that because we are teaching young minds for the future toward a more productive society, some kind of measurable accountability has to be in place. However, a balance must exist because according to Newkirk, (2009) "Schools are not factories; students are not products" (10).

In my view, caution needs to be exercised especially as an educational system that is focused driven on the "proliferation of objectives" (11) which in turn succmbs to teaching toward the tests. Teaching to the test appears to take precedence over learners who need to know and "feel there is a time to explore, there is tolerance to silences, there is deliberate build up to an activity, and there is the feeling of mental space to work"(11). Based on my years of teaching, students need the quality time to "marinate" on what was taught and learned. In addition, they need that specific volume of time to read, write, and share their ideas in order to strengthen their learning. Yet, because of the push for school accountability through media hype and highlight of student's test result, it will continue to be used as a "measuring stick for which educational effectiveness is determined" (Popham, 2000, 20).  As a teacher, I've accepted that I need to be more cognizant of how I can effectively use an uncontrollable issue of accountability to my advantage as an advocate for my students' learning. Therefore, I know I have control over providing a conducive environment of teaching and learning; to a certain degree, I have control of how I want to effectively implement the content domain standards that must be taught and tested. 

Newkirk. Thomas. Holding on to Good Ideas in a Time of Bad Ones Six Literacy Principles Worth Fighting for. "The Curse of Graphite". Heinemann, NH. 2009. 10-11.
Popham, James. Modern Educational Measurement Practical Guidelines for Educational Leaders. Allyn and Bacon, Boston. 2000. 3rd Ed, 20.

Thomas New Kirk Views on How He Starts His Process

Holding On To Good Ideas In A Time of Bad Ones by Thomas Newkirk

As part of my professional development in my Master's of Education in Reading, actively reading scholarly text provides the foundations of clarity of my philosophy of education, practices and strategies for students as learners, understanding educational measurements in relation to student's status of their performance, and what teachers can do to help struggling readers better understand text, and more. Since I started my program Fall of 2012, I've read a plethora of articles that validated my understanding of teaching, and many of the articles I've been exposed to influenced my determination to "fine-tune and up-grade" my teaching practices and reflective thought of becoming a better teacher for my students and an instructional leader for my school.